Port of Seattle Virtual Candidates Forum
8-9:15a.m. Tuesday, September 28
This November, three Port of Seattle Commissioner seats are up for election. You are invited to discuss the major issues facing maritime and manufacturing businesses during a free Forum featuring the candidates who are running for Commissioner Position No. 1, 3 and 4. The Forum is sponsored by North Seattle Industrial Association.
This will be a forum rather than a debate. Each candidate will be given 3 minutes to introduce themselves and tell us why they are running. For the remainder of the time, it will be Q&A. Some of the Q&A will be questions we will prepare in advance and then we will open it up to questions from the audience.
The Zoom address for the meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85033562552?pwd=TG9BZ2JmbWZDRTFRQVBpTnhPRm1sQT09
If you have any questions that should be asked at the Forum, please contact Eugene Wasserman, NSIA President, at eugene@ecwassociates.com.