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Seattle Maritime Day Breakfast

Don’t miss the 2023 Seattle Maritime Day breakfast from 8-9:30 a.m. on Friday, May 12, at the Seattle Marriott Waterfront Hotel!

More than 200 maritime industry leaders are expected to attend the breakfast, which will include a keynote address by Seattle Mayor Bruce Harrell, the presentation of the annual Puget Sound Maritime Achievement Award and the Seattle Propeller Club Public Official of the Year Award, and an update from the Port of Seattle.

Gold Sponsorship - $1,000
10 tickets
for a table at the breakfast with VIP table location, recognition by the breakfast emcee and company logo on the event PowerPoint presentation and Breakfast Program. Your logo will also be in mailings to promote breakfast attendance and on the Seattle Maritime Matters and Seattle Propeller Club websites.

Silver Sponsorship - $500
5 tickets
 for the breakfast with preferred seating, recognition by the breakfast emcee and company name on the event PowerPoint presentation and Breakfast Program. Company name in mailings to promote breakfast attendance. Name recognition on the Seattle Maritime Matters and Seattle Propeller Club websites.

General Tickets
Table of 10 - $800
Individual Tickets - $80 each

April 1

Masquerade Party and Casino Night

June 21

Candidate Event at the Shipyard